Frostbite 2008 – Seven Layers of Clothing
Tim’s 16mm Garden Railway group holds an annual get together on the Sunday after Christmas, and I was invited to tag along…after being warned that this was an outdoor event and I’d want lots of layers!
By the end of the day, I was wearing seven layers including two pairs of leg warmers, 2 pairs of pants, and a big blanket wrapped around my body….but it was loads of fun! I posted the videos shortly after we got back, but I haven’t had a chance to share my photos other than on facebook.
We went with M, a young boy who got into garden railways after helping Tim work on his, and M’s mum, H. It was a tight squeeze to get everyone plus trains into her car, but we managed! The drive over to D’s house took about a half an hour, but we were still the first to arrive. Tim actually had his train up and running and his was the first train to make a circuit (and also the last!). D’s wife always cooks soup for Lunch, so we got to warm up for a little bit inside partway through the day. D told me if I felt cold, I could go inside, but I enjoyed watching all the trains, and I just added on a layer if I started to feel the chill.
Tim even let me “drive” his train towards the end of the day, after most people had packed up! (Tim’s corrected me that he asked me if I wanted to earlier on in the day, but I passed the controls back as I was afraid of bumping other people’s trains.)
We had loads of fun, and I want to play with Tim’s railway in the yard 😉

Tim’s train, Dark Horse
This locomotive was hand-built by Rae Grive and won the 2007 model of the year trophy at the 16mm AGM Convention!
For more pictures:
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Thank you so much for posting these pix! I was at the movies and we had a bit of a wait. These pictures totally enthralled and entertained Killian for a good 25 minutes. 🙂
Now I’m contemplating making a backyard railroad. This is really cool!
-carve_me_a_rose from LJ